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![]() MathScore EduFighter is one of the best math games on the Internet today. You can start playing for free! Rhode Island Math Standards - 1st GradeMathScore aligns to the Rhode Island Math Standards for 1st Grade. The standards appear below along with the MathScore topics that match. If you click on a topic name, you will see sample problems at varying degrees of difficulty that MathScore generated. When students use our program, the difficulty of the problems will automatically adapt based on individual performance, resulting in not only true differentiated instruction, but a challenging game-like experience.
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Number and OperationsM(N&O)-1-1 Demonstrates conceptual understanding of rational numbers with respect to: whole numbers from 0 to 100 using place value, by applying the concepts of equivalency in composing or decomposing numbers; and in expanded notation using models, explanations, or other representations; and positive fractional numbers (benchmark fractions: a/2, a/3, or a/4, where a is a whole number greater than 0 and less than or equal to the denominator) as a part to whole relationship in area models where the denominator is equal to the number of parts in the whole using models, explanations, or other representations. (Counting Squares , Fraction Pictures )M(N&O)-1-2 Demonstrates understanding of the relative magnitude of numbers from 0 to 100 by ordering whole numbers; by comparing whole numbers to each other or to benchmark whole numbers (5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100); by demonstrating an understanding of the relation of inequality when comparing whole numbers by using "1 more", "1 less", "5 more", "5 less", "10 more", "10 less"; and by connecting number words (from 0 to 20) and numerals (from 0 to 100) to the quantities and positions that they represent using investigations, models, representations, or number lines. (Skip Counting , Order Numbers to 1000 ) M(N&O)-1-3 Demonstrates conceptual understanding of mathematical operations involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers (from 0 to 30) by solving problems involving joining actions, separating actions, part-part whole relationships, and comparison situations; and addition of multiple one-digit whole numbers. (Fast Addition , Fast Addition Reverse , Fast Subtraction , Mixed Addition and Subtraction , Addition Grouping ) M(N&O)-1-5 Demonstrates understanding of monetary value by knowing the names and values for coins (penny, nickel, dime, and quarter); and by adding collections of like coins together to a sum no greater than $1.00. (Counting Money ) M(N&O)-1-6 Mentally adds and subtracts whole numbers by naming the number that is one or two more or less than the original number; and adds and subtracts whole number facts to ten (e.g., 5 + 3 = 8; 8 - 5 = 3). (Fast Addition , Fast Addition Reverse , Fast Subtraction , Mixed Addition and Subtraction ) M(N&O)-1-7 Makes estimates of the number of objects in a set (up to 30 ) and revises estimates as objects are counted (e.g., A student estimates the number of pennies in a jar as 28. Then the student counts the first 10 and makes another estimate based on those that have been counted and those that remain in the jar.). M(N&O)-1-8 Applies properties of numbers (odd, even, composition, and decomposition [e.g., 5 is the same as 2 + 3]) and field properties (commutative and identity for addition) to solve problems and to simplify computations involving whole numbers. (Odd or Even , Commutative Property 1 ) Geometry and MeasurementM(G&M)-1-1 Uses properties, attributes, composition, or decomposition to sort or classify polygons (triangles, squares, rectangles, rhombi, trapezoids, and hexagons) or objects by a combination of two non-measurable or measurable attributes; and recognizes, names, builds, and draws polygons and circles in the environment. (Geometric Shapes , Polygon Names )M(G&M)-1-3 Given an example of a three-dimensional geometric shape (rectangular prisms, cylinders, or spheres) finds examples of objects in the environment that are of the same geometric shape (e.g., show a wooden cylinder and students identify common objects of the same shape). M(G&M)-1-4 Demonstrates conceptual understanding of congruency by making mirror images and creating shapes that have line symmetry. M(G&M)-1-6 Demonstrates conceptual understanding of the length/height of a two-dimensional object using nonstandard units (e.g. comparing objects to trains of small cubes, using iterations of a small unit to measure an object). M(G&M)-1-7 Demonstrates conceptual understanding of measurable attributes using comparative language to describe and compare attributes of objects (length [longer, shorter], height [taller, shorter], weight [heavier, lighter], temperature [warmer, cooler], and capacity [more, less]); compares objects visually, with direct comparison, and using non-standard units. M(G&M)-1-8 Determines elapsed and accrued time as it relates to calendar patterns (days of the week, months of the year), the sequence of events in a day; and recognizes an hour and "on the ½ hour". M(G&M)-1-9 Demonstrates understanding of spatial relationships using location and position by using positional words (e.g., close by, on the right, underneath, above, beyond) to describe one location in reference to another on a map, in a diagram, and in the environment. Functions and AlgebraM(F&A)-1-1 Identifies and extends to specific cases a variety of patterns (repeating and growing [numeric and nonnumeric]) represented in models, tables, or sequences by extending the pattern to the next one, two, or three elements, by finding a missing element (e.g., 2, 4, 6, ___, 10), or by translating repeating patterns across formats (e.g., an abb pattern can be represented as snap, clap, clap; or red, yellow, yellow; or 1,2,2). (Patterns: Numbers , Patterns: Shapes , Function Tables , Function Tables 2 )M(F&A)-1-4 Demonstrates conceptual understanding of equality by finding the value that will make an open sentence true (e.g., 2 + [] = 7 ) using models, verbal explanations, or written equations. (limited to one operation and limited to use addition or subtraction) (Missing Term ) Data, Statistics, and ProbabilityM(DSP)-1-1 Interprets a given representation created by the class (models, tally charts, pictographs with one-to-one correspondence, and tables) to answer questions related to the data, or to analyze the data to formulate conclusions using words, diagrams, or verbal/scribed responses to express answers. (Tally and Pictographs )M(DSP)-1-2 Analyzes patterns, trends, or distributions in data in a variety of contexts by determining or using more, less, or equal. M(DSP)-1-5 For a probability event in which the sample space may or may not contain equally likely outcomes, groups use experiments to describes the likelihood or chance of an event (using "more likely," "less likely", or "equally likely"). Learn more about our online math practice software. |
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